New York Times/DNYUZ: Intelligence Agencies Warn Foreign Spies Are Targeting U.S. Space Companies
Chinese and Russian intelligence agencies are targeting American private space companies, attempting to steal critical technologies and preparing cyberattacks aimed at degrading U.S. satellite capabilities during a conflict or emergency, according to a new warning by American intelligence agencies.
The National Counterintelligence and Security Center, the F.B.I. and the Air Force issued a new advisory to American companies Friday morning. The broad warning to industry said that foreign intelligence services could be targeting space firms, their employees and the contractors that serve those companies.
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U.S. Intelligence Agencies Warn Space Companies They Are Being Targeted By China And Russia
US warns space companies about foreign spying -- Reuters
Amid Space Race With China And Russia, A Warning From US Intelligence -- Bloomberg
China, Russia Taking Aim at US Space Firms -- VOA
Foreign countries targeting tech from US space companies, intel agencies warn -- The Hill
U.S. Space Companies Becoming Prime Targets for Foreign Malware, Federal Agencies Warn -- Gizmodo