Big WI CAFO ginormous manure yield

I noted yesterday that Wisconsin GOP Gov. Scott Walker's 'chamber of commerce mentality' Department of Natural Resources could approve several major water-demanding and environmentally-destructive projects - - including a 26,000-feeding operation in NW Wisconsin, a high-end golf course slapped into a rare sand dune-and-artifact rich nature preserve adjoining and intruding into Kohler Andrae State Park south of Sheboygan along Lake Michigan and a massive dairy operation in the state's central sands Wood County ironically named Golden Sands by the family of Walker donors proposing it.
One recent news story gives you an idea of how not-so-golden that Wood County site could become, and why local officials there, anticipating a DNR green light, are trying to enact some local land and water use controls:
The proposed Golden Sands Dairy would house 5,300 animals, and produce 55 million gallons of liquid manure and 25,000 tons of solid manure each year...
The town has been involved in legal action with the Wysocki Family of Companies, owner of Golden Sands, since 2012...
The new ordinance points to groundwater monitoring wells near the existing Central Sands Dairy in Juneau County, which is also owned by Wysocki.

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