Military And Intelligence News Briefs -- December 7, 2016

Reuters: Trump lays out non-interventionist U.S. military policy

President-elect Donald Trump laid out a U.S. military policy on Tuesday that would avoid interventions in foreign conflicts and instead focus heavily on defeating the Islamic State militancy.

In the latest stop on a "thank you" tour of states critical to his Nov. 8 election win, Trump introduced his choice for defense secretary, General James Mattis, to a large crowd in this city near the Fort Bragg military base, which has deployed soldiers to 90 countries around the world.

"We will stop racing to topple foreign regimes that we know nothing about, that we shouldn't be involved with," Trump said. "Instead, our focus must be on defeating terrorism and destroying ISIS, and we will."

Trump's rhetoric was similar to what he said during the election campaign when he railed against the war in Iraq.

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Military And Intelligence News Briefs -- December 7, 2016

Trump Lays Out Plans to Rebuild Military, 'Officially' Announces Mattis -- NBC

Trump lays out military plan; formally introduces James 'Mad Dog' Mattis -- CNN

Trump Introduces ‘Mad Dog’ Mattis, Pledges to Rebuild Military -- Bloomberg

Trump Taps Mattis for Defense Secretary and GOP Eases His Path to Confirmation -- Defense News

Long before he was tapped for SECDEF, Marine Gen. Jim Mattis inspired T-shirts, mugs, and other iconic gear -- Marine Times

Putin says Russia can use Syria experience to update arsenal -- AP

Putin's Russia Seeks to Project Power With Modern Military -- AP

Russian Tankmen to Spot Enemy 10 Km Away With New High-Tech Drone -- Sputnik

Report: China military buildup seen at India border -- UPI

China, Djibouti willing to strengthen military co-operation, says report -- IHS Jane's 360

Images emerge of possible new Chinese anti-submarine missile -- IHS Jane's 360

Resurgent Japan military 'can stand toe to toe with anybody' -- CNN

Swedish Volvo Aims at Lucrative Arms Deal in Middle East -- Sputnik

India Orders Homemade Rocket Launchers Despite Its Faulty Ammo -- Defense News

An Afghan Woman Goes From Refugee to Military Pilot -- AP

US Struggles to Keep Russian Helos Flying for Afghans -- Defense Tech

In farewell to troops, Obama urges restraint in using military force -- Military Times

Boeing Said to Offer Talks on Air Force One After Trump Tweets -- Bloomberg

Marine Corps' jet crashed off Japan on the 75th Anniversary of the Pearl Harbor attack -- Daily Mail

Misleading F-35 Answers Drafted by Pentagon, Testing Chief Says -- Bloomberg

Army Networks 50-cal Sights to Helmet Display -- Scout Warrior

Air Force to launch satellite to increase military bandwidth -- USA Today

Top U.S. Marine's wish-list for Trump goes well beyond troop hikes -- Reuters

LCS Shock Trials Were Less Severe Than Navy Standard -- Maritime Executive

U.S. to build $1.6B Idaho facility for warships' nuclear waste -- AP

U.S. Nuclear Options -- Stratfor

The Limits of Air Strikes when Fighting the Islamic State -- Daniel Byman, Lawfare

The US Is Losing at Influence Warfare. Here’s Why -- Patrick Tucker, Defense One

The US military isn't too small — but it is spread too thin -- Charles V. Peña, Business Insider

AP WAS THERE: 75 years ago, the AP reported on Pearl Harbor -- AP

Why Japan Failed at Pearl Harbor -- James Holmes, National Interest

Why military-intelligence failures persist — 75 years after Pearl Harbor -- Market Watch/Stratfor

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