The People's Republic of China flag and the U.S. Stars and Stripes fly along Pennsylvania Avenue near the U.S. Capitol in Washington during Chinese President Hu Jintao's state visit, January 18, 2011. Credit: Reuters/Hyungwon Kang
Peter Ford, CSM: How underwater drone could set tone for Trump's new relationship with China
The seizing by Chinese sailors of a US underwater surveillance drone in the South China Sea speaks to the kind of challenge President-elect Trump is likely to face early in his administration.
It is not customary to steal an item from someone and then give it back as a Christmas gift, but that is what the Chinese are doing to the United States. And Beijing is acting as if it were the aggrieved party.
Last Thursday, Chinese sailors snatched a US underwater surveillance drone that the USNS Bowditch was trying to retrieve from waters in the South China Sea.
It marked “the first example ever of the blatant theft of US military property operating in international waters,” says Ashley Townshend, an international security expert at the University of Sydney.
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Commentaries, Analysis, And Editorials -- December 19, 2016
Five Things to Worry About After the Assassination of Russia’s Ambassador to Turkey -- Robbie Gramer and Emily Tamkin, The Cable/Foreign Policy
The Fall of Aleppo Is a Huge Gift to ISIS -- Michael Weiss and Hassan Hassan, Daily Beast
There's more propaganda than news coming out of Aleppo this week -- Patrick Cockburn, The Independent
Turkey and Iran’s Dangerous Collision Course -- ALi Vaez, NYT
Why America was bound to fail in Syria -- David Ignatius, Washington Post
Israel watches Syria warily -- Miriam Dagan, DW
Why Is China Playing Hardball With Singapore? -- Lieke Bos, The Diplomat
Asia’s fight over fresh water -- Brahma Chellaney, Japan Times
Libya still broken one year on -- Rana Jawad, BBC
Five things to know about vast, divided, unruly DRCongo -- AFP
Trudeau's real problem: Pretending he's above money grubbing -- Margaret Wente, The Globe and Mail
Here’s how Obama can hit back at Putin over hacking -- Time Weiner, Reuters
Why Naming and Shaming Won’t Stop Putin -- Thomas Rid, Daily Beast
Regrets on Russia, Syria, or Iran? Obama Has None -- Anne Jolis, The Spectator
The Trump World Order -- Bloomberg Editorial