Former UK Prime Minister Edward Heath 'used his car when he set out to abuse boys'?
It had been claimed that Edward Heath did not have a car.
Pictures have emerged of Heath driving his car.
Former UK Prime Minister Edward Heath was a child abuser?
More than 30 people have told Wiltshire police that they were abused by Heath.
Mike Veale
Veale agrees that Heath's 'crimes' were reported to police years ago but were covered up by the Establishment.
There have been claims of a child abuse ring involving former Home Secretary, Leon Brittan, and former Defence chief, Lord Bramall.

Heath has been linked to child abuse in London (Hampstead Heath), Wiltshire, Hampshire, Kent and Jersey.
Heath was linked to to a convicted brothel keeper known as Madame Ling-Ling.
There have been claims of a child abuse ring involving former Home Secretary, Leon Brittan, and former Defence chief, Lord Bramall.
Heath has been linked to child abuse in London (Hampstead Heath), Wiltshire, Hampshire, Kent and Jersey.
Heath was linked to to a convicted brothel keeper known as Madame Ling-Ling.
A dossier compiled by Labour peer Baroness Castle said that Heath took young boys on trips on his yacht.
One person said that, as a 12 year-old hitchhiker, he was picked up by Heath and lured to Heath's Mayfair flat.
Various female witnesses say that Edward Heath was part of a network of child abusers who held satanic orgies and stabbed children in churches.
Police were warned.
Three women say that their parents, together with Edward Heath, were members of the occult.
One of the women told police she could picture Heath laughing as she was abused
She said Heath was present in a candlelit forest where symbols had been drawn on the floor prior to sexual abuse.
A witness called Nick has given evidence regarding Heath's yacht.
Nick says he saw Heath in Dolphin Square.
Nick says Heath saved him from being castrated by Harvey Proctor.
Wiltshire Police say: "There are a number of allegations with a significant number of individuals who have disclosed allegations of abuse."
Two people have been arrested but police have refused to give any details.
Lucy, one of the female witnesses, states that, as a 10-year-old girl, she kidnapped a small boy from his pushchair, which was parked outside Tidworth post office.
Lucy handed the boy over to her father, who was at the village church.
Lucy remembers the naked boy splayed on the church altar and her father sexually abusing and then murdering him.
Dr Rachel Hoskins
Criminologist Dr Rachel Hoskins told detectives not to be believe the various witnesses who made child abuse allegations against Edward Heath.
She distrusts psychotherapists specialising in 'recovered memories'.
She speaks of false-memory syndrome.
This is a syndrome 'invented by the CIA to cover up child abuse.'
Above, we see Dr Richard Hoskins, and his daughter Abigail who died in mysterious circumstances.
Wiltshire Police say that the evidence examined by Dr Hoskins was just a small part of their inquiry.
Police were warned.
BELOW is what we wrote earlier:
Heath and unknown persons.
In 2010, 40-year-old Nicholas Edgar "killed himself" near his parents' Cambridgeshire estate.
He had been questioned by the police in connection with child abuse images.
Nick Edgar was Edward Heath's Private Secretary in the 1990s.
Edgar was a former Oxford University Union president.
He started working with Heath in 1992 when he was in his early 20s.
He worked as his Private Secretary for several years, spending months at Heath's Wiltshire home.

According to Forde, Heath paid £500 a time for young foreign male escorts.
Some time back, Winchester Crown Court heard that Forde trained runaway children as prostitutes.
The court was told that one 15-year-old, controlled by Forde, had sex with five men at once.
Myra Forde's Salisbury brothel (above) is within the WILTSHIRE police district.
He worked as his Private Secretary for several years, spending months at Heath's Wiltshire home.
Myra Forde operated a child Brothel one mile from Edward Heath's home.
She has now changed her story and now admits that she supplied young males to Edward Heath.
She told Channel 4 News: 'I can't really tarnish his name. I promised him that.'
She told Channel 4 News: 'I can't really tarnish his name. I promised him that.'
Some time back, Winchester Crown Court heard that Forde trained runaway children as prostitutes.
The court was told that one 15-year-old, controlled by Forde, had sex with five men at once.
One 13-year-old would go straight from school to the brothel.
Read more: http://www.dailymail
Wiltshire Police are facing a corruption investigation over its handling of Edward Heath child abuse claims.
Wiltshire Police are to be put in charge of all investigations into Edward Heath.
'Child abuse by Edward Heath' was reported to Wiltshire police in the 1990s.
A retired 'very senior' officer now claims that the criminal trial of Myra Forde was derailed in the 1990s to protect Heath.
Reportedly, when the allegations of child abuse were made in the 1990s, Wiltshire police did not question Heath and did not search his home.
A retired 'very senior' officer now claims that the criminal trial of Myra Forde was derailed in the 1990s to protect Heath.
Reportedly, when the allegations of child abuse were made in the 1990s, Wiltshire police did not question Heath and did not search his home.
Read more: http://www.dailymail.
In 2011, Wiltshire's Deputy Chief Constable David Ainsworth, formerly ACC of Kent Police, was found hanged in his home.[29][30][31]

Former UK Prime Minister Edward Heath was friends with Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands (both above).
Regina Louf provided the names of top people who had abused her and who had murdered children during orgies.
Jimmy Savile's nephew, Guy Marsden (above), says that a 14-year-old friend of his was sexually abused by Sir Edward Heath.
Sir Edward Heath abused boy of 14 at London party, says Jimmy Savile nephew.
"He told us that Ted Heath was an abuser..."
Guy Marsden has said that Jimmy Savile supplied children to foreign royalty.

Martin Allen, above, disappeared in London in 1979.
Martin's brother Kevin believes the child abuse inquiry into Edward Heath might provide crucial leads.
Kevin, "has long believed 'someone high up' was involved in Martin’s 1979 disappearance and he believes his then 15-year-old brother may have been singled out after being seen in the Stoke Lodge gardens by a well-connected VIP."
In the summer of 1974, Christopher Chadd was helping to take Edward Heath's yacht, Morning Cloud, back to Cowes when the boat was hit by a storm and Christopher drowned.
Lowestoft Journal.

Linda Corby, 61, says she, and the late Jersey senator Ralph Vibert, watched 11 children board Edward Heath's boat Morning Cloud when it docked in St Helier, Jersey, but a few hours later only ten walked off.
She told the Daily Mirror: 'We watched as a group of boys from the home (Haut de la Garenne) got on. They were in shorts and T-shirts and looked as if they were on a day trip. We counted them back but one boy was missing.'
She and Vibert went to the police but they were told not to investigate the disappearance by 'someone above'.

Murdered by the UK military.
According to Sir Michael Havers's rent boy, the UK Prime Minister Edward Heath, who also used rent boys, ordered the military to give the people of Derry a bloody nose.
This led to the Bloody Sunday massacre in Derry, in the UK.
Top Conservative MP 'revealed secrets of Bloody Sunday to his rent boy'.
It has been reported that UK government snipers, hidden on a rooftop, began the false flag attack which killed 14 unarmed people, including 7 children.
The murders took place in 1972.

Heath in Bexley 1970.
"A shop in London's Wardour Street ... was raided by the police...
"The owner was dealing in child pornography...

Edward Heath's chief mentor and friend was Madron Seligman (above right), who was descended from a family of German Jewish bankers.
The Seligmans are friends of the Rothschilds.
Seligman and Heath were friends at Balliol College, Oxford.
In the months before the outbreak of World War II, Heath and Seligman were on a 'camping' holiday in Germany.
"In 1937, Edward Heath met Hermann Göring, Joseph Goebbels and Heinrich Himmler at an SS cocktail party."
Edward Heath.
Heath became godfather to Seligman's eldest son, Lincoln.
Heath frequently holidayed with the Seligman family.
Madron Seligman and Edward Heath sailed together, and remained close confidants.
Madron Seligman - Telegraph.
What control might certain people have had over Edward Heath?

Edward Heath joined the Honourable Artillery Company (army reserve) as a lieutenant-colonel in September 1951,[9] and he remained active in the military throughout the 1950s.
In the 1950s, the UK security service MI6 was carrying out mind control experiments on soldiers.
Myra, a Filipino, supplied young boys to Edward Heath, reportedly.

Yuri Geller with former UK prime minister Edward Heath.
Some people believe that the security services are involved in both running child abuse rings for the politicians and organising mind control of the politicians.

In the 1980's, Heath was named in a child abuse dossier compiled by former government minister Barbara Castle, which included information on Heath offering weekend trips for boys from Jersey on his yacht.
Police Special Branch officers seized the file from Don Hale, editor of her local paper, the Bury Messenger.
It is believed that Special Branch have been protecting the Westminster child abuse ring.
An American reporter, Leah McGrath Goodman from Newsweek, says she was kicked out of Britain after investigating claims of child abuse by Heath.
Leah McGrath Goodman says: 'Ted Heath ... would take children from care homes for a ride on the yacht and it was reported that some never came back.'

In 1970, Prime Minister Edward Heath (above) made Lord Victor Rothschild the head of the UK government's Central Policy Review Staff.
While at university, Edward Heath may have been recruited by MI6, which was heavily influenced by Lord Victor Rothschild.
"In 1937, Edward Heath met Hermann Göring, Joseph Goebbels and Heinrich Himmler at an SS cocktail party."
Edward Heath.

TWO police investigations into child sex rings were reportedly shut down after it became clear that Edward Heath was involved.
Sir Edward Heath child abuse claims - Daily Mirror
It has been reported that Edward Heath was spotted at a house in north London where men were abusing children.
A former detective who worked on the case says that the whole investigation was halted after it became known that Heath was part of the abuse ring.
Sir Edward Heath child abuse claims - Daily Mirror
A 64-year-old man says "Heath picked him up in a Jaguar car on the A2 road near Welling, Kent, before taking him to a Park Lane apartment and sexually assaulting him."
Victim 'was raped by ex PM when he was just 12' / Sir Edward Heath child abuse claims - Daily Mirror

Jeremy Norman relates that "A curious and unexplained character greeted us at the front door. A young, educated, oriental man, who seemed to be a close friend and confidant (of Heath).
"He was clearly not an employee, as he stayed with us during our chat as though he were a friend.
Brian Coleman, a member of the London Assembly, wrote that Heath had been warned by police to stop seeking out sex with boys in public toilets.

Police in the UK have announced:
"Sir Edward Heath has been named in relation to offences concerning children.
"He lived in Salisbury for many years and we would like to hear from anyone who has any relevant information that may assist us in our enquiries or anyone who believes they may have been a victim."
Sir Edward Heath named in child sex abuse investigation / Former British PM Heath caught up in child sex abuse claim

Former UK prime minister Edward Heath.
We once saw Edward Heath's Rolls Royce parked outside a large hall where Heath was making a speech.
Sitting alone in the back of the Rolls Royce was a handsome young boy.

Graham Chapman (right)
Graham Chapman, of Monty Python, claimed that he slept with the UK prime minister, Edward Heath.
While filming Monty Python And The Holy Grail in Scotland, Chapman announced to the clientele of a pub that the former prime minister Edward Heath was homosexual, and that Chapman had slept with him.

Former UK Prime Minister Edward Heath (left) meets Peter Jaconelli. Peter Jaconelli, a well connected UK Conservative politician, was reportedly part of a child abuse ring in Scarborough, Whitby, and the surrounding area.
Reportedly, Heath was warned on 4 occasions by the head of the Metropolitan police not to loiter in London's lavatories and not to try to pick up young boys.
Ted Heath 'stopped cottaging for gay sex to protect his career'. / Heath warned about gay sex trysts - Telegraph


Hampshire is linked to child abuse and MI6.

Prince Bernhard was the first president of the Bilderberg Group.
Reportedly, child abuse victim Regina Louf visited his yacht Jumbo VI.
Reportedly, child abuse victim Regina Louf visited his yacht Jumbo VI.
Regina Louf provided the names of top people who had abused her and who had murdered children during orgies. Then There Was The Pim Fortuyn Assassination. / Mossad, Haider, Dutroux, Fortuyn, Prince Bernhard / DUTCH ROYALS; NAZIS; PEDOPHILE RINGS

According to the Daily Mail, on 7 August 2015, brothel keeper Myra Ling Ling Forde (above) now says that politicians and police DID try to buy her silence.
She says: 'I will write a book and I will name them all.'
She says that money had been sent to her in prison 'telling me not to talk'.
She says she knew politicians and celebrities when she ran brothels in Salisbury and in London.
She says she believes the money was sent by 'a couple of politicians, a couple of policemen.'

Blue Boy Club.
It has being reported that a young boy was murdered during a torture session filmed at Amsterdam's Blue Boy club.
There is evidence that a UK Member of Parliament was present when the boy was killed.
MP 'was at snuff film lad's murder' .
This child murder is linked to Warwick Spinks who is linked to the Elm Guest House boy brothel in London which is linked to the UK security services.

Warwick Spinks (above) has been caught on secret camera offering to supply a video in which a 10 year old boy was killed and another featuring the horrific abuse of a young boy.
The untouchable "Warwick Spinks ... built businesses and bought properties in South Africa, Namibia, Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Switzerland, France and England..."
The police are currently investigating 4 murders linked to the UK government child abuse ring.
It has been reported that a number of top Conservative Members of the UK parliament took young boys to Holland for the purpose of child sexual abuse.
According to the Daily Mail, on 7 August 2015, brothel keeper Myra Ling Ling Forde (above) now says that politicians and police DID try to buy her silence.
She says: 'I will write a book and I will name them all.'
She says that money had been sent to her in prison 'telling me not to talk'.
She says she knew politicians and celebrities when she ran brothels in Salisbury and in London.
She says she believes the money was sent by 'a couple of politicians, a couple of policemen.'
Myra Forde's Salisbury brothel (above) is within the WILTSHIRE police district.
In 2011, Wiltshire's Deputy Chief Constable David Ainsworth, formerly ACC of Kent Police, was found hanged in his home.[29][30][31]
Wiltshire's current Chief Constable, Patrick Geenty, is presently under investigation for alleged mishandling of sexual abuse complaints. .[34]

In 1992, Myra Forde was on trial for brothel keeping.
Nigel Seed QC (above), who was prosecuting, dropped the charges against her.
In 2011, Wiltshire's Deputy Chief Constable David Ainsworth, formerly ACC of Kent Police, was found hanged in his home.[29][30][31]
Myra Forde was born in the Philippines and married first husband John Forde in Salisbury in 1971.
She wed second husband Albert Cooper in 1984.
In 1992, Myra Forde was on trial for brothel keeping.
Nigel Seed QC (above), who was prosecuting, dropped the charges against her.
Judge Nigel Seed now says that Myra Forde DID threaten to make allegations that she had supplied rent boys to Sir Edward Heath.
Judge Seed says that Mtra Forde had 'intended to allege that she had provided rent boys' to Heath.
Judge Seed says that Mtra Forde had 'intended to allege that she had provided rent boys' to Heath.
In a letter to The Times, Judge Seed writes: 'I know the case… as I was the prosecuting counsel.
'On the day of her trial there was a large number of reporters at the court.
'I was informed by the police that this was because the defendant, who had been on bail, had let it be known that if the case progressed as far as her having to give evidence, she intended to allege that she had provided rent boys to Edward Heath.'
'On the day of her trial there was a large number of reporters at the court.
'I was informed by the police that this was because the defendant, who had been on bail, had let it be known that if the case progressed as far as her having to give evidence, she intended to allege that she had provided rent boys to Edward Heath.'
Blue Boy Club.
There is evidence that a UK Member of Parliament was present when the boy was killed.
MP 'was at snuff film lad's murder' .
This child murder is linked to Warwick Spinks who is linked to the Elm Guest House boy brothel in London which is linked to the UK security services.
Warwick Spinks (above) has been caught on secret camera offering to supply a video in which a 10 year old boy was killed and another featuring the horrific abuse of a young boy.
The untouchable "Warwick Spinks ... built businesses and bought properties in South Africa, Namibia, Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Switzerland, France and England..."
The police are currently investigating 4 murders linked to the UK government child abuse ring.
It has been reported that a number of top Conservative Members of the UK parliament took young boys to Holland for the purpose of child sexual abuse.
Jimmy Savile's nephew, Guy Marsden (above), says that a 14-year-old friend of his was sexually abused by Sir Edward Heath.
Sir Edward Heath abused boy of 14 at London party, says Jimmy Savile nephew.
Guy Marsden says that he and three friends aged 13 to 16 were ferried across London from flat to flat, where sexual abuse took place.
Marsden says: "I am in touch with my friend and he has told me what they did to him and it's just horrific, absolutely unbelievable stuff...
Marsden says: "I am in touch with my friend and he has told me what they did to him and it's just horrific, absolutely unbelievable stuff...
"He told us that Ted Heath was an abuser..."
Guy Marsden has said that Jimmy Savile supplied children to foreign royalty.
This suggests that Edward Heath is linked to the international child abuse and child murder gang that has operated in the USA, Europe and beyond.
Sir Jimmy Savile's nephew, who was taken by Savile to child abuse parties.
In September 2013, we were told that "Guy Marsden, 59, is writing a book with broadcaster and author Tony Horne about his disgraced uncle" Jimmy Savile.
"He will claim that Savile had influential members of the British legal system in his back pocket to allow him to act without fear of prosecution.
"And he will also expose Savile’s secret links with members of foreign royal families – suggesting he could have abused countless victims from overseas."
In September 2013, we were told that "Guy Marsden, 59, is writing a book with broadcaster and author Tony Horne about his disgraced uncle" Jimmy Savile.
"He will claim that Savile had influential members of the British legal system in his back pocket to allow him to act without fear of prosecution.
"And he will also expose Savile’s secret links with members of foreign royal families – suggesting he could have abused countless victims from overseas."
Explosive tell all book by Jimmy Savile's nephew

In 2012, Guy Marsden spoke to the media.
"He said children as young as ten would disappear into bedrooms with men...".
"Guy Marsden was just 13 when 'Uncle Jimmy' took him to a wealthy celebrity's house in London in 1967 for the first of many sordid social gatherings.
"Guy said Savile sometimes arrived with a man dressed as a priest and he believed the young victims may have come from an orphanage or children’s home."
At 13, Guy and three friends hitch-hiked to London.

The Dutroux gang supplied girls to the elite, to be tortured and murdered.
On the first trip in 1967, the group of boys went to Euston Station "and were quickly invited to a grubby flat."
‘About four days later’, Jimmy Savile turned up at the flat.
"Savile turned up by coincidence at the address because he mixed with 'fellow child molesters', said Guy."

Howard Silverman was one of Sir Jimmy Savile’s closest pals. Website for this image
"The group of runaways ended up in a fabulous house - believed to belong to a famous pop impresario - with a big indoor swimming pool."
The celebrity home had lots of children.
"'At first we automatically assumed the children lived there, but we soon realised they didn't. They would be brought there, sometimes by Uncle Jimmy, and would stay for six or seven hours until 3 or 4am. They were just little kids, boys and girls."
In 2012, Guy Marsden spoke to the media.
"He said children as young as ten would disappear into bedrooms with men...".
"Guy Marsden was just 13 when 'Uncle Jimmy' took him to a wealthy celebrity's house in London in 1967 for the first of many sordid social gatherings.
At 13, Guy and three friends hitch-hiked to London.
The Dutroux gang supplied girls to the elite, to be tortured and murdered.
On the first trip in 1967, the group of boys went to Euston Station "and were quickly invited to a grubby flat."
‘About four days later’, Jimmy Savile turned up at the flat.
"Savile turned up by coincidence at the address because he mixed with 'fellow child molesters', said Guy."
Howard Silverman was one of Sir Jimmy Savile’s closest pals. Website for this image
The celebrity home had lots of children.
"'At first we automatically assumed the children lived there, but we soon realised they didn't. They would be brought there, sometimes by Uncle Jimmy, and would stay for six or seven hours until 3 or 4am. They were just little kids, boys and girls."
In 1970, the UK labour Party was ahead in the opinion polls, but, Edward Heath's Conservative Party won in the General election.
Some people believe that the election was rigged so that Heath could take the UK into the European Union, thus pleasing the Rothschilds.
Martin's brother Kevin believes the child abuse inquiry into Edward Heath might provide crucial leads.
Kevin, "has long believed 'someone high up' was involved in Martin’s 1979 disappearance and he believes his then 15-year-old brother may have been singled out after being seen in the Stoke Lodge gardens by a well-connected VIP."
Exactly two years later Christopher's student brother Timothy was killed by a hit and run driver when on holiday in France.
Nigel Cumming was also drowned in the Morning Cloud incident of 1974.
Linda Corby, 61, says she, and the late Jersey senator Ralph Vibert, watched 11 children board Edward Heath's boat Morning Cloud when it docked in St Helier, Jersey, but a few hours later only ten walked off.
She told the Daily Mirror: 'We watched as a group of boys from the home (Haut de la Garenne) got on. They were in shorts and T-shirts and looked as if they were on a day trip. We counted them back but one boy was missing.'
She and Vibert went to the police but they were told not to investigate the disappearance by 'someone above'.
Murdered by the UK military.
According to Sir Michael Havers's rent boy, the UK Prime Minister Edward Heath, who also used rent boys, ordered the military to give the people of Derry a bloody nose.
This led to the Bloody Sunday massacre in Derry, in the UK.
Top Conservative MP 'revealed secrets of Bloody Sunday to his rent boy'.
The murders took place in 1972.
Heath in Bexley 1970.
"A shop in London's Wardour Street ... was raided by the police...
"The owner was dealing in child pornography...
"A distribution list was discovered which had Ted Heath's name on it."
Edward Heath: The Paedophile Prime Minister.

Broadstairs 1969.
Boy George was born George O'Dowd in Bexley, in Kent.
Edward Heath was the member of Parliament for Bexley in Kent, and was born in Broadstairs in Kent.
In 1984, Boy George's uncle, Kenneth O'Dowd, alleged that he had compromising photographs of Edward Heath .
He said that his former mistress Rita Lambert "appeared in pornographic photographs together with his two children."
Edward Heath: The Paedophile Prime Minister. / The Glasgow Herald
Edward Heath: The Paedophile Prime Minister.
Broadstairs 1969.
Boy George was born George O'Dowd in Bexley, in Kent.
Edward Heath was the member of Parliament for Bexley in Kent, and was born in Broadstairs in Kent.
In 1984, Boy George's uncle, Kenneth O'Dowd, alleged that he had compromising photographs of Edward Heath .
He said that his former mistress Rita Lambert "appeared in pornographic photographs together with his two children."
Edward Heath: The Paedophile Prime Minister. / The Glasgow Herald
Kenneth O'Dowd claimed that he was framed by the authorities because, in 1976, he had discovered five colour photographs in the jewel box of Rita lambert with whom he shared a flat in Woolwich, in London.
Heath was said to have been in two of the photographs, and the detective Sergeant, Brian Wallace, in three of them.
According to The Times, 19th January 1984:
Kenneth O'Dowd claimed that he was framed by the authorities because, in 1976, he had discovered five colour photographs in the jewel box of Rita lambert with whom he shared a flat in Woolwich, in London.
Heath was said to have been in two of the photographs, and the detective Sergeant, Brian Wallace, in three of them.
According to The Times, 19th January 1984:
Rita "a mother of three children, whose former boy friend has pleaded not guilty to raping and assaulting her, said she had never met Mr Heath...
"She denied ever seeing a briefcase in her home with the initials 'E.A.H.' on it.
"She also denied his allegation that she had been part of a prostitution ring."
Kenneth O'Dowd was jailed for 6 years.

What links might Heath have to mind control and the Rothschilds?
"Rumours circulated that Edward Heath liked dressing up as a woman.
"She denied ever seeing a briefcase in her home with the initials 'E.A.H.' on it.
"She also denied his allegation that she had been part of a prostitution ring."
Kenneth O'Dowd was jailed for 6 years.
What links might Heath have to mind control and the Rothschilds?
"Rumours circulated that Edward Heath liked dressing up as a woman.
"And that he was having an affair with his good-looking police detective...
"He developed friendships with some attractive, younger, gay Conservative MPs - such as Alan Duncan and Matthew Parris
Edward Heath's chief mentor and friend was Madron Seligman (above right), who was descended from a family of German Jewish bankers.
The Seligmans are friends of the Rothschilds.
Seligman and Heath were friends at Balliol College, Oxford.
In the months before the outbreak of World War II, Heath and Seligman were on a 'camping' holiday in Germany.
"In 1937, Edward Heath met Hermann Göring, Joseph Goebbels and Heinrich Himmler at an SS cocktail party."
Edward Heath.
Heath became godfather to Seligman's eldest son, Lincoln.
Heath frequently holidayed with the Seligman family.
Madron Seligman and Edward Heath sailed together, and remained close confidants.
Madron Seligman - Telegraph.
What control might certain people have had over Edward Heath?
In the 1950s, the UK security service MI6 was carrying out mind control experiments on soldiers.
MI6, has paid thousands of pounds in compensation to servicemen who were used in clandestine mind-control experiments in the 1950s.
MI6 pays out over secret mind control at Porton Down in Wiltshire..
MI6 pays out over secret mind control at Porton Down in Wiltshire..
Myra Ling-Ling Forde (above) ran a brothel, the Oriental Massage Parlour, just a mile away from where Edward Heath had his home in Salisbury.
Myra, a Filipino, supplied young boys to Edward Heath, reportedly.
In the early 1990s it is alleged she had a prosecution dropped after threatening to expose Sir Edward as a child abuser.
In 1995, Myra was convicted of running a brothel full of underage kids.
In 2009 she was once again arrested on suspicion of running a brothel.
Myra's sister, Mia Pablico, says Myra "knew a lot of politicians".
Myra's sister, Mia Pablico, says Myra "knew a lot of politicians".
Yuri Geller with former UK prime minister Edward Heath.
Some people believe that the security services are involved in both running child abuse rings for the politicians and organising mind control of the politicians.
Sir Edward Heath is being investigated by SEVEN different police forces, including Jersey police and Hampshire police force.
More victims have come forward to name Heath as an abuser.
According to Exaro News one 'credible' victim called 'Nick' has already met with police and claimed he was abused by Heath 'multiple times'.
In the 1980's, Heath was named in a child abuse dossier compiled by former government minister Barbara Castle, which included information on Heath offering weekend trips for boys from Jersey on his yacht.
Police Special Branch officers seized the file from Don Hale, editor of her local paper, the Bury Messenger.
It is believed that Special Branch have been protecting the Westminster child abuse ring.
An American reporter, Leah McGrath Goodman from Newsweek, says she was kicked out of Britain after investigating claims of child abuse by Heath.
Leah McGrath Goodman says: 'Ted Heath ... would take children from care homes for a ride on the yacht and it was reported that some never came back.'
Read more: http://www.dailymail.
Neil Carmichael (left)
Among those supporting the Sir Edward Heath Charitable Foundation are:
Sir Peter Bottomley MP, Baroness Virginia Bottomley, Neil Carmichael MP, Lord Peter Hennessy, Charles Kennedy MP, Lord Peter Mandelson and Keith Vaz MP.
The Friends of Arundells .
The Friends of Arundells .
In 1970, Prime Minister Edward Heath (above) made Lord Victor Rothschild the head of the UK government's Central Policy Review Staff.
While at university, Edward Heath may have been recruited by MI6, which was heavily influenced by Lord Victor Rothschild.
TWO police investigations into child sex rings were reportedly shut down after it became clear that Edward Heath was involved.
Sir Edward Heath child abuse claims - Daily Mirror
It has been reported that Edward Heath was spotted at a house in north London where men were abusing children.
A former detective who worked on the case says that the whole investigation was halted after it became known that Heath was part of the abuse ring.
Sir Edward Heath child abuse claims - Daily Mirror
A 64-year-old man says "Heath picked him up in a Jaguar car on the A2 road near Welling, Kent, before taking him to a Park Lane apartment and sexually assaulting him."
"Heath raped the 12-year-old boy after picking him up. The youngster had run away from home."
Victim 'was raped by ex PM when he was just 12' / Sir Edward Heath child abuse claims - Daily Mirror
A woman, believed to have been arrested for running a brothel that supplied young boys, told detectives she would stand up in court and reveal lurid details of Heath's perverted sex life if she was ever charged with any offence.
Sir Edward Heath child abuse claims - Daily Mirror
Sir Edward Heath child abuse claims - Daily Mirror
Apparently Heath kept a young male friend at his home in Hampshire.
Jeremy Norman relates that "A curious and unexplained character greeted us at the front door. A young, educated, oriental man, who seemed to be a close friend and confidant (of Heath).
"He was clearly not an employee, as he stayed with us during our chat as though he were a friend.
Brian Coleman, a member of the London Assembly, wrote that Heath had been warned by police to stop seeking out sex with boys in public toilets.
Police in the UK have announced:
"Sir Edward Heath has been named in relation to offences concerning children.
"He lived in Salisbury for many years and we would like to hear from anyone who has any relevant information that may assist us in our enquiries or anyone who believes they may have been a victim."
Sir Edward Heath named in child sex abuse investigation / Former British PM Heath caught up in child sex abuse claim
Former UK prime minister Edward Heath.
We once saw Edward Heath's Rolls Royce parked outside a large hall where Heath was making a speech.
Sitting alone in the back of the Rolls Royce was a handsome young boy.
Graham Chapman (right)
Graham Chapman, of Monty Python, claimed that he slept with the UK prime minister, Edward Heath.
While filming Monty Python And The Holy Grail in Scotland, Chapman announced to the clientele of a pub that the former prime minister Edward Heath was homosexual, and that Chapman had slept with him.
Former UK Prime Minister Edward Heath (left) meets Peter Jaconelli. Peter Jaconelli, a well connected UK Conservative politician, was reportedly part of a child abuse ring in Scarborough, Whitby, and the surrounding area.
Reportedly, Heath was warned on 4 occasions by the head of the Metropolitan police not to loiter in London's lavatories and not to try to pick up young boys.
Ted Heath 'stopped cottaging for gay sex to protect his career'. / Heath warned about gay sex trysts - Telegraph
(We do not necessarily agree with everything Shrimpton says)
Reportedly, boys from the Kincora children's home were "being taken to big country houses to be used by public figures, including Lord Mountbatten, the former head of MI6 Maurice Oldfield, and Edward Heath."
Lobster's Ramsay on Paedophile Panics - Rigorous Intuition
'Going "up the Heath" is a bit of a rite of passage for many gay men.'
I go with gay strangers.
It has been alleged that Sir Edward Heath, the prime minister from 1970-74, visited the Jersey care home Haute de la Garenne and used to take young boys on boating weekends on his yacht called 'Morning Cloud'...
"The person bringing children for him to abuse is Sir Jimmy Savile.
"He was seen by the witness, victim, taking young boys on board Heath's yacht the morning cloud when they were at party conference.
(We do not necessarily agree with everything Shrimpton says)
Reportedly, boys from the Kincora children's home were "being taken to big country houses to be used by public figures, including Lord Mountbatten, the former head of MI6 Maurice Oldfield, and Edward Heath."
Lobster's Ramsay on Paedophile Panics - Rigorous Intuition
'Going "up the Heath" is a bit of a rite of passage for many gay men.'
I go with gay strangers.
Police discover more bones inside chamber of horrors at Jersey .... The Haut de la Garenne children's home is like the Dozier School for Boys in Marianna, Florida. Dozier School for Boys.
"He was seen by the witness, victim, taking young boys on board Heath's yacht the morning cloud when they were at party conference.
"Allegedly Saville is known for supplying a number of high profile MP's with children for them to sexually abuse."
[2011 Sept] The Wheel of Fortune By T Stokes
[2011 Sept] The Wheel of Fortune By T Stokes
Edward Heath had a home in Salisbury in Wiltshire, next to Hampshire.
Hampshire is linked to child abuse and MI6.
The police have been protecting the child abusers?
"In the Hampshire police area, 63 high profile and protected names were removed (from a list) by officers serving in Operation Danforth, Hampshire Constabulary's response to Operation Ore (child pornography investigation)."
There have been many allegations of a large child abuse ring, involving top people, in the Portsmouth/Hampshire area.
Police announced on 25 February 2008 that they were investigating claims that the Jerseychild abuse case was linked to abuse at the Children’s Cottage Home in Portsmouth in Hampshire.
Policed reopen Hampshire child home investigation
Fort Monckton, adjacent to Portsmouth, is used for the training of MI6 agents.
(Sacked spy's blog takes on MI6).

The late Michael Colvin MP, friend of Prince Charles. Colvin died in a mysterious fire at his home in Hampshire.

In 2001, former Mayor of Portsmouth Freddie Emery-Wallis, 'was jailed for nine months after he was found guilty on five counts of indecent assault against two teenage boys.'
There have been allegations of a large child abuse ring, involving top people, in the Portsmouth area
Police announced on 25 February 2008 that they were investigating claims that the Jersey case was linked to abuse at the Children’s Cottage Home in Portsmouth.
Fort Monckton, near Portsmouth is reportedly used for the training of MI6 recruits.

Rideout was cleared of three indecent assaults by a court martial in 1972. One of Rideout's victims, June Potter said: "We went out of our way to write statements and everything. I gave them names."
Canon Gordon Rideout went on to sexually abuse young girls and boys across the south of England.
Rideout was chairman of governors at St Mary's special school in Bexhill until 2009.

Vincent S. aged 10 yrs, from Grafton Children's Home, was taken to Elm Guest House (above) and to a house in Bexhill.
Reportedly, pedophile rings use children's care homes throughout the UK and Northern Ireland.

Elm Guest House in London, reportedly used by a man responsible for supervising the UK security service MI5.
Police announced on 25 February 2008 that they were investigating claims that the Jerseychild abuse case was linked to abuse at the Children’s Cottage Home in Portsmouth in Hampshire.
Policed reopen Hampshire child home investigation
Fort Monckton, adjacent to Portsmouth, is used for the training of MI6 agents.
(Sacked spy's blog takes on MI6).
The late Michael Colvin MP, friend of Prince Charles. Colvin died in a mysterious fire at his home in Hampshire.
Connected to Hampshire are a number of top Conservatives - Derek Laud, Julian Lewis, Ian Greer and Michael Colvin.
Michael Colvin was "associated closely with Julian Lewis who is said to be involved with a number of international right wing 'covert' groups linked with high finance, and arms dealing.
"Colvin was also associated with two allegedly corrupt and discredited former Parliamentary Lobbyists, Ian Greer (cash for questions) and Derek Laud.
Michael Colvin was "associated closely with Julian Lewis who is said to be involved with a number of international right wing 'covert' groups linked with high finance, and arms dealing.
"Colvin was also associated with two allegedly corrupt and discredited former Parliamentary Lobbyists, Ian Greer (cash for questions) and Derek Laud.
Sex Offenders / ARE IN POSITIONS OF POWER / Derek_Laud (Cash for Knighthoods aka Cash for Rentboys).

The Bryn Estyn home in Wrexham in Clwyd was the scene of child abuse
"During a major scandal around the abuse of children in care in Bryn Estyn, both Laud and Greer's names were mentioned by alleged victims in connection with organised sexual abuse involving VIP's including, allegedly, members of the UK Government."
During that scandal a fire in Hove, near Brighton, killed five alleged victims of abuse.
Many people believe the fire was deliberately set.
"With the five young people who died was a Health Visitor from Hampshire where Laud has a home and where Colvin lived."
The Bryn Estyn home in Wrexham in Clwyd was the scene of child abuse
"During a major scandal around the abuse of children in care in Bryn Estyn, both Laud and Greer's names were mentioned by alleged victims in connection with organised sexual abuse involving VIP's including, allegedly, members of the UK Government."
During that scandal a fire in Hove, near Brighton, killed five alleged victims of abuse.
Many people believe the fire was deliberately set.
"With the five young people who died was a Health Visitor from Hampshire where Laud has a home and where Colvin lived."

Michael Colvin died at a fire in his magnificent Hampshire home.
"He had been speaking to Derek Laud days, if not hours, previously.
"There have been many allegations that Hampshire County Council, through the influence of Derek Laud and his friend Julian Lewis, is a central player in a national paedophile ring supplying young boys from care systems to VIP's.
"The Crest hotel in Wrexham and an Hotel on Hove seafront have specifically been mentioned...
"It has been alleged that officials and councillors in a number of local authorities may be receiving payments for identifying 'appropriate' young people in care and introducing them to the ring..."
Former Leader of Hampshire Council and Lord Mayor of Portsmouth, Freddie Emery Wallis was convicted in 2001 of molesting young boys.

David Cameron's friend Derek Laud, who allegedly he pimped his classmates to wealthy and influential adults while still at school.
Michael Colvin died at a fire in his magnificent Hampshire home.
"He had been speaking to Derek Laud days, if not hours, previously.
"There have been many allegations that Hampshire County Council, through the influence of Derek Laud and his friend Julian Lewis, is a central player in a national paedophile ring supplying young boys from care systems to VIP's.
"The Crest hotel in Wrexham and an Hotel on Hove seafront have specifically been mentioned...
"It has been alleged that officials and councillors in a number of local authorities may be receiving payments for identifying 'appropriate' young people in care and introducing them to the ring..."
Former Leader of Hampshire Council and Lord Mayor of Portsmouth, Freddie Emery Wallis was convicted in 2001 of molesting young boys.
David Cameron's friend Derek Laud, who allegedly he pimped his classmates to wealthy and influential adults while still at school.
Scallywag alleged that Derek Laud was a sadist, who was particularly violent and without mercy in his treatment of boys.
The magazine alleged that on regular occasions his victims would end up in casualty wards.
He was a leading political fixer and adviser to Margaret Thatcher
"Diana Princess of Wales opposed the whole culture to which Laud aligns himself and challenged arms dealing with which Julian Lewis is closely linked.
"Deceased investigative journalist Simon Regan challenged both Laud and Lewis frequently and died 'after a short illness' soon after his final tirade against Laud and Lewis.
"The alleged victims of VIP abuse who died in the fire in Palmeira Avenue Hove in 1991 had also linked Laud, Lewis, and Greer, to the circumstances of the abuse they said they had suffered in care."

Michael Portillo, former UK Defence Minister, resigned as the result of a homosexual incident.
"Michael Portillo, Peter Lilley, Ian Hamilton, and other Thatcherite politicians of the 1980's were all associated with Laud and Lewis.
"All were alleged to have been guests at paedophile parties in London at which boys from care in a number of local authorities, including North Wales, Shropshire,Hampshire, Dorset, Brighton and Hove and others, were allegedly 'ferried in' with the co-operation of social workers to provide sexual entertainments for the guests.
"It has also been alleged that Portillo freuqently took 'kinky holidays' in North Africa with his friend Derek Laud.
"Portillo insists that Laud was a guest on these holidays of him and his wife, but it has been alleged that hotel records do not confirm that Portillo's wife was there at all.
"Finally there have been specific allegations that the main aim of this ring is not to provide jollies for kinky MP's and others, but to exert influence over them in their work by blackmail."

"Diana Princess of Wales opposed the whole culture to which Laud aligns himself and challenged arms dealing with which Julian Lewis is closely linked.
"Deceased investigative journalist Simon Regan challenged both Laud and Lewis frequently and died 'after a short illness' soon after his final tirade against Laud and Lewis.
"The alleged victims of VIP abuse who died in the fire in Palmeira Avenue Hove in 1991 had also linked Laud, Lewis, and Greer, to the circumstances of the abuse they said they had suffered in care."
Michael Portillo, former UK Defence Minister, resigned as the result of a homosexual incident.
"Michael Portillo, Peter Lilley, Ian Hamilton, and other Thatcherite politicians of the 1980's were all associated with Laud and Lewis.
"All were alleged to have been guests at paedophile parties in London at which boys from care in a number of local authorities, including North Wales, Shropshire,Hampshire, Dorset, Brighton and Hove and others, were allegedly 'ferried in' with the co-operation of social workers to provide sexual entertainments for the guests.
"It has also been alleged that Portillo freuqently took 'kinky holidays' in North Africa with his friend Derek Laud.
"Portillo insists that Laud was a guest on these holidays of him and his wife, but it has been alleged that hotel records do not confirm that Portillo's wife was there at all.
"Finally there have been specific allegations that the main aim of this ring is not to provide jollies for kinky MP's and others, but to exert influence over them in their work by blackmail."
Cosham's Children's Cottage Homes in Portsmouth, across the water from Jersey, is at the centre of a child abuse scandal.
Two former child residents of Cosham's Children's Cottage Homes claim children were taken from their dormitories during the night and disappeared.
Reg Tugatt, 59, a former resident of Cosham's Children's Cottage Homes says he saw 'suspicious holes dug'.
Reg has given police a map showing holes dug in the vicinity of Cosham's Children's Cottage Homes - in a wood and near an orchard.
Two former child residents of Cosham's Children's Cottage Homes claim children were taken from their dormitories during the night and disappeared.
Reg Tugatt, 59, a former resident of Cosham's Children's Cottage Homes says he saw 'suspicious holes dug'.
Reg has given police a map showing holes dug in the vicinity of Cosham's Children's Cottage Homes - in a wood and near an orchard.
Reg said he was taken into care at the home in 1956, aged eight, and stayed there for three years.
A spokeswoman for Hampshire Police said: 'We have no plans to dig up any sites in Portsmouth and continue to hold the position that there are no links between allegations made in reference to the Children's Cottage Homes in Cosham and the ongoing investigation in Jersey.'
Les Cummings, 63, is campaigning for an apology from Portsmouth City Council for the abuse he claims to have at the hands of his foster father and at the Children's Cottage Homes.
A total of 21 men and women told detectives they suffered physical and sexual abuse as children at Children's Cottage Homes.
A 78-year-old woman from Devon was arrested on suspicion of indecent assault but when police passed the file to Crown Prosecution Service lawyers they decided there was not enough evidence to charge her.
Les Cummings went to police to ask them to look again at their earlier investigation into the claims of 21 men and women.
The Crown Prosecution Service examined allegations against the centre but decided not to prosecute.
Both Reg and Les claim that a number of children were taken from their dormitories during the night and disappeared.
In 2001, former Mayor of Portsmouth Freddie Emery-Wallis, 'was jailed for nine months after he was found guilty on five counts of indecent assault against two teenage boys.'
There have been allegations of a large child abuse ring, involving top people, in the Portsmouth area
Police announced on 25 February 2008 that they were investigating claims that the Jersey case was linked to abuse at the Children’s Cottage Home in Portsmouth.
Fort Monckton, near Portsmouth is reportedly used for the training of MI6 recruits.
Gordon Rideout.
Canon Gordon Rideout was chaplain on a military base in Middle Wallop, Hampshire, in the UK.
Canon Gordon Rideout was chaplain on a military base in Middle Wallop, Hampshire, in the UK.
In the 1970s Canon Gordon Rideout was taken to a military court on child sex-abuse charges.
He was cleared by the military hearing.
Rideout was cleared of three indecent assaults by a court martial in 1972. One of Rideout's victims, June Potter said: "We went out of our way to write statements and everything. I gave them names."
Rideout was chairman of governors at St Mary's special school in Bexhill until 2009.
Vincent S. aged 10 yrs, from Grafton Children's Home, was taken to Elm Guest House (above) and to a house in Bexhill.
Reportedly, pedophile rings use children's care homes throughout the UK and Northern Ireland.
Elm Guest House in London, reportedly used by a man responsible for supervising the UK security service MI5.