In his latest offering, conservative Australian cartoonist ZEG is irate at the claim that we need Muslims for sperm
External experts in BoM review
Environment Minister Josh Frydenberg has rejected calls for an independent investigation of the Bureau of Meteorology’s temperature data collection and handling but promises to release findings of an in-house review.
Mr Frydenberg said on Tuesday he had spoken to BoM chief executive Andrew Johnson and instructed that two independent external experts be included on the review panel.
"We are treating this issue seriously and I look forward to a set of recommendations which ensures ongoing public confidence in the integrity of the bureau’s data collection and temperature records," he said. "When the review is complete I will make the findings public."
Dr Johnson said he had initiated an internal probe with outside input after shortcomings were confirmed in recording minimum temperatures at a number of weather stations.
Scientist Jennifer Marohasy, who exposed the failure of two stations to record low temperatures of minus 10.4C, said a parliamentary inquiry was needed. "I have no doubt an inquiry would find major problems in terms of how BoM is dealing with temperature records and data handling," Dr Marohasy said.
BoM has confirmed there were issues with recording low temperatures at Goulburn and Thredbo weather stations.
But in a letter to Mr Frydenberg, Dr Johnson said the bureau did not deliberately limit the temperatures recorded: "The bureau’s systems are designed to alert us to unusually high or low temperatures so they can be checked for their veracity."
A preliminary review of outages at Goulburn and Thredbo Top station had been undertaken. "This identified that the electronic hardware not only at Goulburn and Thredbo Top station, but also a small number of stations in cold-climate location are not fit for purpose and previous outages have occurred at temperatures below minus 10," Dr Johnson said. Steps had been taken to replace the hardware at these places.
Dr Johnson said he had initiated an internal review of BoM’s Australian weather station network and associated data quality control processes for temperature observations. The review was expected to take several weeks.
Previous concerns over the BoM’s temperature data handling have caused deep divisions in the federal government.
Documents released under Freedom of Information have shown former prime minister Tony Abbott pushed for a forensic audit of its performance. However, the review was scaled back after lobbying by then environment minister Greg Hunt.
Mark Latham points out Muslim hate and 'anti-white racism'
Mark Latham has slammed controversial Muslim activist Yassmin Abdel-Magied for generating 'anti-white racism' and 'encouraging terrorists to do their worst'.
Speaking on Mark Latham's Outsiders on Wednesday night, the former Labor Party leader said there was a powerful connection between anti-white racism in Australia and Islamic terrorism.
Mr Latham highlighted a Twitter conversation between Ms Abdel-Magied and Sydney-based activist Osman Faruqi in which he claimed the pair 'celebrated anti-white racism'.
'The white people are getting f***ed Yas, it's happening,' Mr Faruqi wrote for his almost 14,000 followers.
'Look, they wanted people to go back to where they came from and didn't understand it included them too,' Ms Abdel-Magied wrote in reply.
Mr Latham, who has been outspoken about his dislike of Ms Abdel-Magied and her opinions, said the conversation was 'totally unacceptable'.
'These people are fermenting hatred of white people and as such, they are effectively encouraging terrorists to do their worst,' he said.
'Those fermenting the idea of an Islamic master race in Australia, they are aiding and imbedding Islamic terrorism, they are giving encouragement to terrorist fanatics who want to kill innocent people in this country.'
Mr Latham compared Ms Abdel-Magied and Mr Faruqi to terrorists. 'The rise of anti-white racism is just phenomenally unacceptable, it puts these people on the same page as the terrorists,' he said. 'Abdel-Magied's now in London thankfully.'
Ms Abdel-Magied came under fire in April when she posted an ANZAC Day tweet saying: 'Lest we forget (Manus, Nauru, Syria, Palestine),' the 26-year-old Sudanese-born activist said
Mr Latham said it was time Australian leaders like Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull and Leader of the Opposition Bill Shorten stepped up.
'Imbeciles, absolute imbeciles perpetrating racial hatred and the idea of a master race have to to pull their heads in and be hauled into line by our national leaders.
Mr Latham invited longstanding MP Peter Baldwin onto the show on Wednesday to discuss his claim 'there was a defacto alliance that has developed between the left and militant Islam'.
'(It's) the most reactionary force in the world today – the strangest and most disconcerting political development in my lifetime,' Mr Baldwin wrote.
Appearing on the show, Mr Baldwin, who was a Labor Party member from 1983 to 1998, stood by his claim. 'I could never have imaged the left could sink so low when I got involved back in the early 70s,' he said.
Casual attitude at government hospital kills two patients
STATE Coroner Mark Johns has questioned the “culture of medical administration” at the Royal Adelaide Hospital, saying the stroke team’s approach was too casual over a rostering blunder linked to the death of two patients.
RAH acting head of radiology, Dr Jim Buckley, has told the inquest he was in charge of rostering the 24-hour Interventional Neuro-Radiology (INR) team, which consisted of two full-time doctors, when there was a four-day gap in coverage.
Both INR specialists, Dr James Taylor and Dr Rebecca Scroop, were on leave at the same time when Michael John Russell and Leslie Robert Graham suffered strokes and died in April.
Dr Buckley told Mr Johns that Dr Scroop spoke with another specialist, Dr Michael Wilks, who agreed to cover the gap before relaying the information back to him.
But the inquest heard there was confusion about what procedures Dr Wilks was required to attend to at the RAH during that four-day period.
Counsel assisting the coroner, Naomi Kereru, asked Dr Buckley if it was his job to fill the 24-hour roster and why it was left to Dr Scroop to organise.
“I think we all had a responsibility to fill the gap,” he said.
But Mr Johns said something as serious as ensuring the service had adequate staff coverage should not have been left to an “informal conversation”.
“Surely something as crucial as this isn’t the stuff for informal conversations between two staff who didn’t have ultimate responsibility for the setting of the roster — that was your responsibility,” he said.
“It’s just not satisfactory, surely, in any view, to leave it to an informal discussion between two staff members. It wouldn’t be acceptable in any organisation, let alone one that provides a stroke service.
“If somebody didn’t turn up to the Adelaide Oval for a football game and it meant the game couldn’t go ahead and the whole crowd was there waiting in the dark, there would be a massive outcry.
“And yet that would be a matter of insignificance by comparison with the absence of the people necessary to carry out a stroke retrieval.
“Is this the culture of medical administration? This is a very casual approach to administration, that’s my view on the matter — I’m giving you the opportunity to persuade me otherwise.”
Dr Buckley said he should have personally spoken to Dr Wilks about what was expected of him and clarified the situation.
The inquest also heard that Dr Taylor was the first person called when Mr Graham required an INR procedure — despite being on holiday three hours away.
Ms Kereru said the stroke team was not aware that Dr Taylor would be unavailable to perform procedures over that time, adding to the confusion about who the first port of call should have been.
Mr Johns is holding an inquest into the deaths of Mr Russell, 60, and Mr Graham, 87, in April.
Labor attacking Aust way of life: Abbott
Tony Abbott has accused Labor of attacking Australia's way of life by proposing a public vote on whether to become a republic. The former prime minister says the republic vote is the federal opposition's latest attack after it vowed to legalise gay marriage with a parliamentary vote.
The proposed republic vote would cost the same $150 million as a plebiscite on gay marriage and would not answer the question of whether a president should be elected by voters or chosen by the government, he said. It could undermine the legitimacy of Australia's system of government without putting anything in its place, he warned.
"This attack on the monarchy is just the latest instalment in the green-left's war on our way of life that Shorten Labor has largely made its own," he writes in The Australian on Wednesday.
Mr Abbott accused Labor of trying to divide and diminish the nation with its "envy-exploiting" campaign against inequality.
He also appeared to take a swipe at his own side. "The argument that `the government should be re-elected because the alternative is worse' is not normally compelling but, thanks to Shorten's latest ploy, it has become a lot more powerful."
Posted by John J. Ray (M.A.; Ph.D.). For a daily critique of Leftist activities, see DISSECTING LEFTISM. To keep up with attacks on free speech see Tongue Tied. Also, don't forget your daily roundup of pro-environment but anti-Greenie news and commentary at GREENIE WATCH . Email me here