Israel Is Now Using Drones To Take-Down 'Incendiary Kites' And To Drop Tear-Gas

The Warzone/The Drive: Israel Uses Drone Racers To Down Incendiary Kites And Drones To Dispense Tear Gas Over Gaza

Low-end drone warfare is becoming a centerpiece of the IDF's strategy for dealing with unrest along the Gaza border.

The age of low-end drone warfare is officially upon us, and nowhere is this reality being made more apparent than along the Gaza-Israel border. Weeks of violent protests by Palestinians along the fenceline have given birth to 'incendiary kites' as a robust asymmetric warfare tactic that we detailed in a previous piece. Now Israel is putting hobby-like drones to use to knock down those flaming kites, and even to release tear gas on protesters from across the fenceline.

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WNU Editor: The age of low-end drone warfare is definitely upon us.

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