The more ironies, the merrier.
One reason current Democratic US Rep. Gwen Moore is around to call out Trump apologist Ron Johnson -

when she was in the WI State Assembly - - and in a 2015 interview with The Guardian didn't hold back about Walker, either:
One reason current Democratic US Rep. Gwen Moore is around to call out Trump apologist Ron Johnson -
Congresswoman Moore calls Sen. Johnson a 'conspiracy theorist' and 'embarrassment'- is that Johnson pal Scott Walker tried and failed to defeat Moore

when she was in the WI State Assembly - - and in a 2015 interview with The Guardian didn't hold back about Walker, either:
Moore told the Guardian her disdain for Walker was born during his 1990 campaign against her. The African American congresswoman was then running for a second term in the state legislature, representing a majority white district in the racially polarized city of Milwaukee.
Moore said Walker accused her of “supporting urban decay” and repeatedly used racial dog whistles. She described this cynicism as continuing in future campaigns and said Walker was willing to “use any kind of wedge issue he can” in order to win.
In this aspect, Moore said she saw Walker as similar to another Republican candidate: Donald Trump.