With key Trump enablers here, voter turnout in WI has added significance

We hear upcoming elections are all about turnout.

I'd add survival, whether that be your own, or the Republic's, and/or both.

When we become aware of new proofs during a true crisis of Trump's dangerous deficits and incompetencies, or fresh revelations about the breadth of depth of his pursuit and embrace of his anti-democratic methods and goals - - 
Erik Prince Recruits Ex-Spies to Help Infiltrate Liberal Groups 
Mr. Prince, a contractor close to the Trump administration, contacted veteran spies for operations by Project Veritas, the conservative group known for conducting stings on news organizations and other groups.
- - it's important along with distributing the information, and voting accordingly, to continuously remind Wisconsin voters that former GOP Gov. Scott Walker is Trump's 2020 state re-election chair.

And Wisconsin US Sen. Ron Johnson continues to be a lead Trump cudgel with real power in hand 

to apply in Trump's relentless smear against Joe Biden also aided by a corrupted US Justice Department.

So every Wisconsin election beginning with the April primary that includes a significant State Supreme Court race and many other candidacies gains importance through the message that we want no part of a second Tump term - - except denying it in November.

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