Chinese Hotel Used As 'Coronavirus Quarantine Site' Collapsed In Qunazhou, Fujian Province

Zero Hedge: Dozens Trapped After Chinese Hotel Used As 'Coronavirus Quarantine Site' Collapses

A five-story hotel that was reportedly being used as a temporary Covid-19 quarantine site has collapsed in the southeastern Chinese province of Fujian on Saturday, state media reports.

Emergency crews are frantically working to pull victims, who are apparently either all suspected or confirmed coronavirus cases, from the rubble. "23 people have been rescued as of 9pm local time. A total of 70 people were reportedly trapped under the collapsed building in Quanzhou, Fujian," China's People's Daily reports.

Early video from hotel collapse aftermath shows a large area in which the building is reduced to ruble, with dozens of first responders combing through it.

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Update #1: Coronavirus: Dozens trapped as China quarantine hotel collapses (BBC)
Update #2: Hotel in China holding coronavirus victims in quarantine collapses as emergency service scramble to reach 70 trapped in the rubble (Daily Mail).

WNU Editor: Long time readers of this blog know that when I go to China I always stop by  Qunazhou. I lived in this city in the 1980s. I never stayed at the Xinjia Hotel (the hotel opened in 2018), but I know the construction firm that built this hotel. To say that I am shocked right now is an understatement.

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