What Has Happened To New York City?

Members of the NYPD walked along Sixth Avenue on Wednesday, but did not take any action about the chaos

Daily Mail: Manhattan or Skid Row? New York's homeless community use furniture and junk abandoned by wealthy people fleeing the city during the pandemic to build a sidewalk camp

* The camp on West 24th and Sixth Avenue sprung up early in the pandemic and has remained ever since
* Now residents and business owners complain about the mess and chaos and say it harms their livelihoods
* Around 15-20 people have taken up residence along the busy street and are camping out in doorways
* Bill de Blasio, mayor of New York, said on July 23 he would address the situation but little is being done
* He has moved 13,000 homeless people into hotels across the city to stop COVID-19 outbreaks in shelters
* It has sparked a rise in crime in some neighborhoods, like the Upper West Side, where residents are terrified
* There are also several hotels in the Garment District that are taking in homeless people
* It is costing the city some $2million a night - which they say they'll try to reclaim from FEMA later
* President Trump has ordered de Blasio - who stripped $1billion from the NYPD's budget- to rehire cops
* More than 1,100 cadets who were meant to graduate never did because he evaporated their jobs in response to pressure from BLM activists who wanted to defund the police

Exasperated residents of Manhattan's Chelsea district say they are tired of complaining to the authorities about a sprawling homeless camp that has taken root in their midst.

Around 20 people are believed to be living along West 24th Street, on the corner with Sixth Avenue, The New York Post reported. The camp is one block from the landmark Flatiron Building and Madison Square Park.

Bill de Blasio, mayor of New York, promised three weeks ago to resolve the depressing scene but nothing has been done, and locals told the paper that they were fed up.

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WNU Editor: Here is an easy prediction. It is going to get worse. I have a lot of friends who live and/or work in New York City. To say that they are appalled with what is happening is an understatement. But when I tell them that their only salvation is to purge the politicians who are responsible for creating this catastrophe (i.e. the mayor of New York City and the governor of New York), with only 2 exceptions (out of about 15), the majority are blaming President Trump and the Republicans?!?!?!? This is unfortunately not the first time that I am witnessing a great city falling apart. New York City reminds me of Moscow in the early 1990s when the Soviet Union broke apart. The homeless, young girls prostituting themselves at the edge of Red Square, a complete breakdown of municipal and social services, social and political chaos coupled with many supporting the political class that gave them this disaster. Sighhh .... what New York City is going through today is just a fraction of what Moscow was going through almost 30 years ago. What eventually changed for Moscow was the election of reformist officials who purged the old bureaucracy and pushed for an environment that encouraged business and investment. It took 20 years but Moscow today is booming, and will continue to do so for a long time. Will this also happen for New York City? Maybe, but not anytime soon.

Update: New York is controlled by the Democrat machine and many of the state's voters are liberal/progressive. President Trump thinks he has a chance, but it is not going to happen .... Trump says high taxes and a spike in crime rates could help him WIN New York in the 2020 election as he vows to 'solve all of the many problems' in the city (Daily Mail).

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